dear daughters,
Can you believe it’s almost Christmas? Soon presents wrapped in paper and tied with bright ribbon will be shared to celebrate the greatest gift ever given – the gift of Jesus, the Savior.
When Jesus was with His disciples, He told a lot of stories. I bet you’ve had teachers who told stories to help you understand their lessons. This is what Jesus did, and in Luke 8, He begged them to pay attention to what He was saying. He told a story about a person who was planting seeds.
1. Some seeds fell by the road. These seeds never grew at all because they were trampled on and snatched away by hungry birds.
2. Some seeds fell on rocks. These seeds grew, but their roots couldn’t go down deep so they weren’t grounded. These plants couldn’t stand strong when tested, and they withered away.
3. Some seeds fell in thorns. These seeds grew also, but could only grow so much because of the crowded, prickly conditions. These plants did not grow into their full beauty.
4. Some seeds fell into healthy soil and became well-rooted. These plants bloomed, produced fruit and multiplied in number, because they were nourished and encouraged to grow.
Jesus said the seed is God’s Word. Girls, God has planted this seed in your hearts. You must protect it from being stolen, starved, or stifled. Instead, make sure it is strengthened. Your heart is God’s garden. Is His Word planted in bare, rocky or thorny ground, or is it safe and secure in healthy soil?
God has given you the gift of Jesus and the gift of His Word. This Christmas, give Him the gift of a well-tended heart. Promise to stay planted in healthy places where your faith can develop – away from threats, temptations and tensions – so that you may grow into the beautiful, fruitful creation He designed you to be.
“So (you) will be called oaks of righteousness, the planting of the LORD, that He may be glorified.” -Isaiah 61:3
living to love, loving to live,momma b