Saturday, November 21, 2009

Extreme Makeover

dear daughters,

Our brains are amazing, especially in early adulthood. Between the ages of about 16 and 24, scientists say the brain undergoes a complete renovation, like reorganizing a closet. Some things are thrown out, and what remains is reorganized so the closet makes more sense and has more storage space. If the process goes well, then the closet – or the brain – looks different and is more useful than before.

This brain renovation thing is part of God’s plan, but it puts emotions in high gear. At your age, you probably laugh a lot and cry easily, get upset frequently and fall in love quickly. You may tend to react and then reflect, rather than the other way around. This is why you see some of your friends making surprising decisions that will last a lifetime. Your brain is under construction and your emotions are supercharged. But, emotions must never rule. We are to be ruled by God’s Spirit. This renovation period is a training time for life, to teach you the value of trusting God rather than your emotions.

Knowing the Designer is doing a lot of work in you right now should excite you. He has a grand design in mind because He loves you. So tame your emotion, believe His Word and follow His Spirit. Then the redesign will be just as God intends –beautiful and right on time!

“The mind controlled by the Spirit is life and peace.” Romans 8:6

living to love, loving to live,
momma b

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