Monday, August 31, 2009

dear daughters,

The school year has begun! Anki and Aimee are both in college now, and Latania is an “upper classman”! My how time flies! Each of you is in an important season of life.

I’ve been reading a book called The New Eve: Choosing God’s Best for Your Life by Robert Lewis. He talks about the seasons of life for women, even young women. I’ll share a little of it today and save the rest for later. Here are three things he suggests young single women do.

1. Envision what you want your life to look like when you are out of school and down the road about ten or fifteen years. Then figure out how to get there and take steps in that direction.

2. Pray for God’s best husband for you, and follow His leading to find that special one. Decide in advance your nonnegotiables. Know what to look for in a good man. “The best way to find a good man and keep him is to become a good woman.”

3. Develop your character by continuing to go to church, fellowship with Christian friends, and study the Bible. “Character is the ground floor of your life. Who you are will always be more important than what you do. Build your (good) character now rather than take on the harder work of rebuilding it in later seasons. The better your character, the better your life.”

living to love, loving to live,
momma b

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