Saturday, November 8, 2008

Picture Perfect

dear daughters,

Pictures are worth a thousand words! This is an old saying, and I believe a very true saying. What we see is many times easier to remember than what we hear. We often return to the “picture” of words written down when we cannot remember words spoken out loud. What would we do without class notes and study sheets!

I guess that’s one reason reading the Bible has become so important to me. It’s a “picture” of the words of God. It’s a reminder of all He says to do, and all He promises to do for His children.

This past week, my mother has been in the hospital. She has cancer. It’s hard to even write that, as it’s a picture of a reality that I don’t like at all. Sometimes in life there are unhappy things that happen to us and to those we love, and no one knows why. They’re not anyone’s fault. They’re just part of living in an imperfect human body in an imperfect human world.

But God gave me a beautiful picture this week. When we are at our lowest, for whatever reason, God is ALWAYS there with us. He kneels down beside us, and even lifts up our faces to Him with His very own holy hands. And He looks on us with love – pure love, perfect love. He is there to hold us, to grow us, to change us, to renew us, to guide us and to strengthen us. The Bible describes God as a mighty and victorious warrior, but also as our own Father. The perfect Father, the perfect protector, and the perfect friend, looking down with love from a perfect heaven. What a perfect picture!

living to love, loving to live,
momma b

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