Thursday, January 8, 2009

Happy New Year!

dear daughters,

Happy New Year! It’s hard to believe it is 2009. Aimee turned 18 since I last wrote to you, and she’ll graduate high school this year. Latania turned 16 just a few days ago, while Anki is busy working and taking college courses. You girls are growing up so fast!

I thought of you today. I was stuck waiting someplace and had nothing to do for a few minutes, so I resorted to playing 3-card solitaire on my iphone. It occurred to me the difference one card can make. Anytime I played one card from the deck, it changed the order of the cards for the next round, revealing new cards that I couldn’t play before. Playing that one card was so important, I began to think in my head, “Just one card…Come on…Just one card!” Then it hit me...

The “just one card” effect is true in life, just like in cards. Each day we have many decisions to make in areas like school, work, family, friends, and most importantly, faith. Just one changes everything. Every move affects the outcome. What one card do you need to play to change your life and make it a winning game? I imagine God just might be cheering from heaven, “Just one card…Come on….Play it, and start your new year off right!”

living to love, loving to live,
momma b

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