Thursday, October 23, 2008

Busy as a Bee!

dear daughters,

Busyness! Do you ever feel so busy you can hardly see straight? That’s how I’ve felt recently. Aimee and I feel like we’ve traveled the country in the last two weeks as we’ve visited two colleges AND driven to an out-of-town swim meet. Meanwhile there’s a house to run and a list a mile long!

I know Aimee has much on her “to do” list; and I bet you do, too. Being busy is really ok with God, providing we are busy doing what He wants us to be doing. He created us to work and worship, not sleep and slouch on the couch! But sometimes we get busy doing things that are not His desire for us. We get busy with video games, TV shows, meaningless texting, mindless web surfing, and just plain wasting time. God wants us to be busy about His work and the work He has designed for us to do.

Ephesians 2:10 says, “For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand so that we would walk in them.”

God has a “to do” list already written for our days, and none of our lists are exactly the same. We are all different, born in different circumstances, living in different situations and holding different gifts. He gives us choices as to what to do with our days, but He has specific things He desires us to choose to do with our uniqueness to bring honor to Him. When we choose the activities He has designed for us to do, we may be busy but we will be BLESSED!

living to love, loving to live,
momma b

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